Thursday, September 19, 2013

HBR Guide to Office Politics

HBR Guide to Office Politics

I came up with this excerpt from HBR Guide to Office politics to help my Sister Yeside to have a peripheral knowledge on Organizational politics and am sure other readers will like it as well...

EVERY ORGANIZATION HAS ITS SHARE OF POLITICAL DRAMA: Personalities clash. Agendas compete. Turf wars erupt. It can make you crazy if you're trying to keep your head down and get your job done. The problem is, you can't just keep your head down. You need to work productively with your colleagues--even the challenging ones--for the good of your organization and your career. How can you do that without crossing over to the dark side? By acknowledging that power dynamics and unwritten rules exist--and by constructively navigating them. "Politics" needn't be a dirty word. You can succeed at work without being a power grabber or a corporate climber. Whether you're a new professional or an experienced one, this guide will help you: (1) Build relationships with difficult people, (2) gain allies and influence others, (3) wrangle resources, (4) move up without ruffling feathers, (5) avoid power games and petty rivalries, and (6) claim credit when it's due.

It's all yours, enjoy !!!

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